Top 35 applications on the phone for closer travels and further journeys

Today, the phone has already grown into our hands. You can complain about it, you can also think about the possibilities. For example, which appki to download to make the journey pleasant. I like using my phone on trips, I do not use it only for photos and panoramas. There are various interesting appki that can significantly improve travel comfort and give new opportunities. What applications are useful on the go?


Transport and maps apps

Detailed maps of the whole world are available in off-line mode, i.e. the application works everywhere and we do not need internet. Before leaving, we download selected maps on the phone. This is the most recommended app with maps.

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Google Maps

I still use them, but I admit that from time to time something is going wrong with the offline mode, I have small problems. Anyway, it’s worth having them at hand. Especially that in many places we have cheap internet or easy access to free WiFi.

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GPS Status & Toolbox

Displays the position, shows the position and signal strength of the satellites, accuracy, speed, acceleration, altitude, direction, terrain. In addition, in the app, you’ll find: a compass, level, selecting or sharing your location and navigating to it later.

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Geo Tracker – GPS tracker

It allows you to record long-distance journeys, find a return route in unfamiliar terrain without losing the road, notify your friends about how to overcome our route, set markers on the map with interesting places on the route. Recorded routes are saved in GPX or KML format, so they can be used in programs such as Google Earth.

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Flight apps



Przesyłamy maile z rezerwacjami na adres podany przez appkę i wszystko gotowe: rezerwacje podróży lotniczych, hotelowych i wypożyczenia samochodów są przechowywane w jednym miejscu. Do tego śledzenie lotów i bezpłatne uzyskanie statusu lotu za pośrednictwem powiadomień push i e-mail.

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Tracking flights, detailed information about a given plane and route, photos, maps, cockpit mode (thanks to which you can observe a flight from the perspective of an airplane).

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Looking for a flight, combined flight, price view for the whole month? The application quickly and efficiently searches flights and shows prices on various websites. You can also set various types of alerts, receive an email when prices for a given date decrease or increaase.

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You can receive compensation for delays, cancellations, rerouting and over-flights of flights, EU and US legislation thus protecting airline passengers. Appka facilitates this process: you have to provide the necessary data, and they deal with the recovery of damages. Filing and verification is free. The commission is charged when the compensation is recovered.

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Money apps

XE Currency

Program for fast currency conversion. In its base are all necessary travel currency. The application works offline, keeping in mind the latest data on courses when it was still connected to the internet. You can also check on the charts how the price of a given currency has changed and add a lot of different currencies.


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I love this application. Ever since I started using it, everything related to billing with friends during the trip has become fabulously simple. We add quotas, mark who paid – they may even be unequal, eg one person gave 20 zlotys, the other 30 zlotys, and the expenditure is to be divided equally into five people. We are counting at the end, for example in PLN, and we are introducing expenses in different currencies – no problem.

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Accommodations apps / / Airbnb / Couchsurfing

So how to manage your accommodation with your phone. You can look after already booked and selected accommodation you can look for new ones. Not once happened to me on the train already on the way, or waiting at the airport. From more expensive solutions to camping on someone’s sofa;)

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Task lists, plans, notes apps

Dysk Google

Here you can gather lots of information and share with others, work on one file at a time, and when you’re ready to save it in the offline version and have it on hand when traveling. In case of doubt, we can easily view even complicated Excel files on your phone – my favorite tool when planning a trip 🙂

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For those who do not pack or pack in the last minute. In this application you should enter the direction of departure, date, duration and general information about the plan, and the appka will tell you what to take with you. The list can be supplemented, corrected, unchecked, sent by e-mail, show to others.

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Google Keep

Yes, Google again. I like to use these notes on a daily basis. Checklist, photos, handwriting. For this I can set such a list on one screen and have all the time at hand. And what I like the most and what can be very useful during the journey, when a lot happens: the application notifies us of the note when we are in the marked place.

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All possible notes in one place. Are you traveling and are you afraid that you will forget something that would be good to write later? Take a picture, a short note, draw something, geo-tag, record. It is possible to combine Evernote with Google Drive. Appka available in the free basic version, as well as in paid: plus and premium.

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City apps


The application is widely known, which I probably do not need to present to anyone. I could not do it for a long time but it is very useful. Trip prices are good, paying easy. In a foreign city you can move – even at night – more conveniently than public transport, and cheaper than a regular taxi. In Asia, it also works great and in cities such as Kuala Lumpur, where it is sometimes difficult to reach somewhere on foot, is a great solution.

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Probably the most popular search engine for public transport connections in Poland. It has current timetables of public transport from many cities, recently also introduced live departures, showing the actual location of buses and trams. It makes it easier to navigate around a foreign or little-known city.

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TripAdvisor / Triposo

I was wondering if these applications should be added to the list, because they were probably a bit out of circulation. However, still, if we need quick information about what is next to see, they are great, they also have maps and selected attractions with a short description. Comments often help in making choices and strip beautiful descriptions to the very truth – though attention – subjective. Both work offline.

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Social media and communication apps

Facebook Lite / Messenger Lite

So many “lighter” versions of popular applications that are really doing well in places where the internet barely works. If we buy SIM cards on the go, we will save used megabytes, if we use weak WiFi we have a chance to see what ordinary Facebook and Messenger applications would not download on our phone.

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A popular communicator all over the world, whose operation is based on a phone number, but all communication is based on data transfer. Thanks to this communicator I got a lot of things, in Asia, for example, without calling or texting while roaming. It is increasingly reported as a way to communicate with companies.

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By adding Instagram Stories, he probably already bites Snapchat, I sometimes even watch some;) And I started publishing such stories myself. For this we throw photos of trips and mark the visited places and watch the adventures of friends.

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Weather apps



Yr is a website of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and NRK. The application contains weather forecasts: text forecasts, meteograms and weather warnings. There is also a real-time forecast in selected locations. This is probably the best weather service and it is recommended by a lot of people.

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Exsate Golden Hour

Appka for photographers, but not only. It combines information about the azimuth or elevation above the horizon with information about the phases of the moon. It also allows you to define specific lighting conditions and inform when they are met. We will find data on the golden hour, the blue hour, the best time to photograph the stars.

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Other apps

Google Translate

103 languages to which, or from which we can translate, also in offline mode – there with the limit to 59. Still pretty good! For this I have to translate up-to-date with the use of a 38-language camera – I will point the camera lens in my phone to the text that we want to translate.

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SAS Survival Guide

With this application you will learn how to light a fire or give Moms. The application has been written by a former soldier and SAS instructor, it contains hundreds of survival advice that will be useful in all conditions, including away. It can be installed in the free Lite version or the extended one.

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iPolak 3.0

Aplikacja stworzona przez Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych RP. Zawiera podstawowe informacje o większości krajów na świecie: dane dotyczących obyczajów, kultury i dogodnych sposobów podróżowania, ale przede wszystkim zestawienie kontaktów do polskich ambasad i konsulatów, informacje o wizach i przepisach celnych oraz aktualne wiadomości dotyczące bezpieczeństwa wybranego kraju.

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How many times have you heard a piece during your journey, often many times, until you got deep into your memory and sounded somewhere in your head without end, and you did not know what it was? With this application you can overhear playing music and get an answer what a piece of it. The downside is the necessity of being connected to the internet, however, this app has been useful for me many times and helped me discover the local music 🙂

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Jet Lag to problem wielu podróżujących, mnie on na szczęście nie męczy. A może raczej żyję z wiecznym jet lagiem, więc mi już nic i nigdzie nie pomoże 😉 Ta aplikacja pomaga powoli przestawić się na nowy czas i dyskretnie informuje na co aktualnie jest pora: jedzenie, spanie, kawę itd.

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So how to find a pub and eat something good, suggesting opinions of others and quite a good map. For sure descriptions and photos of food, uploaded by appki users, will help. We also find shopping centers and places for partying. From what time also things to do, that is, the application turns into a little City Guide.

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Hotspot Shield Free VPN Proxy & Wi-Fi Security

When traveling, some countries block selected sites, such as Facebook or Google. The only way to work around them is to use a VPN or a virtual private network. Hotspot Shield does not require login and covers 17 countries. The information is completely private and secure, and the connection to the VPN is very simple.

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