Street Art has always attracted me so where I saw a chance to walk the streets of Camden Town in London with a person knowledgeable in the topic I took it. More over I have no idea how is it possible that I have not visit that district yet. It’s chaotic, colorful, wacky, joyful, sometimes shabby but beautiful. I can’t wait to visit London again to wander the Camden Town again.


street art camden town


I felt a bit like in a fun fair, it was lively, vivid and from time to time I didn’t really know where to look. Little colorful houses, street art hidden in the corners, plenty of stalls and second hand shops, pubs, performers. Not only surrounding was absorbing and characteristic, people really followed. You can go crazy with your outfit and hair dress, and anyway you won’t stand out. For me excellent.


street art camden town

Artist: Kyle Holbrook


camden town


Almost all the works are well visible but alone I wouldn’t have figured out where to go, which corner to check, which narrow street to follow. And there is so much to see. The pictures were taken during summer this year and most probably when I get there again I will see there brand new works. You can visit Camden Town pretty often as things change a lot and quicker than expected. Looking at these great works I thought it’s a pity that they disappear but on the other hand it’s a street art, has its own rules, old gives place to new. Or maybe it’s all about having no rules?


Painting on the chewing gum

Painting on the chewing gum


camden town

Twórca: Irony

Artist: Irony


My guide in London Camden Town was Nelly, I found her thanks to English Groupon, but if Camden Street Art Tours has no offer there I recommend anyhow to join them for a street art walk. Nelly will share plenty of interesting information and for about two hours of wandering there was always a story. She is really into it, street art is her passion.


The Nomad Clan: Aylo & CBloxx

The Nomad Clan: Aylo & CBloxx

Nelly is showing on the tablet the non-existing work of Italian artist Nemos

Nelly is showing on the tablet the non-existing work of Italian artist Nemos

Artist: on the left – Trust Icon & Seeds One, in the middle – Louis Masai

Artist: on the left – Trust Icon & Seeds One, in the middle – Louis Masai

Twórca: Mr Cenz

Artist: Mr Cenz

Twórca: Dan Kitchener, z tyłu - Amara Por Dios

Artist: Dan Kitchener, in background – Amara Por Dios

Street art is a rebel art, sometimes however it has an affair with a city council or supports important projects. It can be everything: beautiful graffiti, piece of ceramics fixed to the wall, painting on the chewing gum, spot of paint with subscription or wooden blocks on the lamp. It might be something that is very far from art for most people. Personally, I wouldn’t call vandals those of great imagination trying to bring some life and fantasy to the boring streets. Street art for me is everything of great idea and excellent execution breaking awfully simple and regular reality. And also things coloring and highlighting forgotten spots that turn into ruins.

Do you have some favorite city with the street art?


street art camden town

street art camden town
street art camden town

Map of Street Art in Camden Town

street art camden town

camden town street art


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